The cedar symbolizes powerful hope, life, and prosperity, and the smoke when ignited has a protective effect, accompanied by a fresh and fresh woody scent. The shamans of traditional North American tribes also regard cedar as a sacred healing elixir, which is often used to expel sickness and negative energy in the human body.
In addition to purifying one's own energy, it can also be used in rituals, ceremonies, and exorcism. Using a cedar stick can establish self-protection, space purification, spiritual purity, spiritual healing, aura prosperity, and more fortune-inducing effects.
雪松象徵帶來強大的希望、生命和繁榮,燃點後的煙霧會產生保護的療效,同時伴有清新新鮮的木香。傳統北美部落的薩滿也視雪松為神聖的治療靈藥,常被用來驅除人體內的病氣及負能量 。
除了 淨化自身能量外,也可於儀式、典禮、驅魔。燃燒雪松可以建立自身保護、空間淨化、精神療癒 、氣場繁榮,而且有招納財富的作用。
Personal: Purify personal aura, remove negative energy, and provide protection when meditation.
Space & Objects: Purify negative energy in the environment.
*Pregnancy and G6PD should not use