
  • Embrace the shimmer and shine as we welcome a bright and joyful New Year!

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Happiness Gift: Mini Candle Set - Christmas limited edition Happiness Gift: Mini Candle Set - Christmas limited edition
Quickshop Winter Limited Edition Scents - Embrace the season with our captivating fragrances...
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Ispalla - 秘魯聖木線香 Ispalla - 秘魯聖木線香
Quickshop 讓 Ispalla 秘魯聖木線香的純正芳香驅散負面能量,淨化空間/自身氣場。這款正宗、天然且可持續的線香能吸引正能量,為您的心靈帶來寧靜。它能清除負面氣場,提升空間能量,其舒緩的香氣更能減輕壓力和焦慮。 這款線香是芳香療法、冥想、瑜伽和其他放鬆活動的理想之選。其啟發性和寧神的煙霧能提升您的生命振動頻率。 秘魯聖木—驅除負能量,掃除障礙,招來好運。 每盒 10 支 燃燒時間:約50分鐘 由秘魯工匠使用傳統方法手工製作,帶來真實而充滿能量的體驗。   100%...
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Ispalla - 秘魯聖木線香
Regular price $78.00
Incense Stick Holder Incense Stick Holder
Quickshop Introducing our beautifully crafted wooden incense holder/burner, the perfect addition to your...
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Incense Stick Holder
Regular price $98.00
Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Sandalwood & Musk Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Sandalwood & Musk
Quickshop Candle message - Trust the magic of new beginnings. Send a secret...
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Palo Santo Smudge Bundle Palo Santo Smudge Bundle
Quickshop Palo Santo is a natural way to cleanse energy and create a...
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Palo Santo Smudge Bundle
Regular price $138.00
Ispalla - 7 Day Renewal Incense Cone Ispalla - 7 Day Renewal Incense Cone
Quickshop Renew the vibrations through mind, body and soul, healing the energy and...
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Ispalla - 7 Day Renewal Incense Stick Ispalla - 7 Day Renewal Incense Stick
Quickshop Renew the vibrations through mind, body and soul, healing the energy and...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Cypress & Bayberry Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Cypress & Bayberry
Quickshop Candle message - Love the life you live.Ready to manifest the life...
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Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Palo Santo & Vetiver Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Palo Santo & Vetiver
Quickshop Candle message - Trust the magic of new beginnings. Send a secret...
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Candle Refill Service
Quickshop  心愛的蠟燭用完了, 如果把蠟燭罐子棄掉很浪費呢!想尋找補充蠟燭服務?那你找對地方了!我們的蠟燭補充服務可以讓你繼續使用你喜愛的蠟燭罐子,還能選擇你喜愛的香味和天然大豆蠟, 不但大大減少浪費資源,還可以更相宜的價錢買一個新的味道呢! 材料: 天然大豆蠟 棉芯 高品質進口香薰蠟燭精油 *補充的重量和數量都沒有限制哦!如果你的容器是900克,只要選擇300克的香味,數量設定為3, 並加入購物車。寄送時罐子給我們時,在罐子表面註明/標記補充的數量即可。 *補充尺寸也沒有限制,但是容器的高度建議在5cm-15cm之間。如果你的容器高度超過15cm,沒關係,只要聯繫我們就可以啦!
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Candle Refill Service
From $240.00
Aromatherapy Oil - Mindful Vibes Aromatherapy Oil - Mindful Vibes
Quickshop Boost courage and positive energy & create a peaceful and harmonious environment....
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Aromatherapy Oil - Mindful Vibes
Regular price $158.00
Incense Stick Holder Incense Stick Holder
Quickshop Introducing our beautifully crafted wooden incense holder/burner, the perfect addition to your...
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Incense Stick Holder
Regular price $88.00
Incense Cone Holder Incense Cone Holder
Quickshop Introducing our beautifully crafted wooden incense holder/burner, the perfect addition to your...
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Incense Cone Holder
Regular price $88.00
Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Dry Gin & Cypress Angel Guidance Blessing Candle: Dry Gin & Cypress
Quickshop Candle message - Begin each day with a grateful heart Send a...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle

Amplify your energy, magnetise abundance & wealth.
Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Motivation Affirmation Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Motivation Affirmation
Quickshop 肯定語系列 - 蠟燭訊息 - I am worthy of my dreams準備好顯化你們心中的願望嗎?我們的水晶許願蠟燭使用天然晶石及魔法草藥製作而成,加強吸引正能量以實現大家心中的願望。 我們所有的蠟燭材料都是用純天然大豆蠟+天然水晶&晶石+魔法草藥和愛♥! 大約燃燒時間:...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle: Blessing Magic A Manifestation Crystal Candle: Blessing Magic A
Quickshop 蠟燭訊息 - Everything you can imagine is real準備好顯化你們心中的願望嗎?我們的水晶許願蠟燭使用天然晶石及魔法草藥製作而成,加強吸引正能量以實現大家心中的願望。 我們所有的蠟燭材料都是用純天然大豆蠟+天然水晶&晶石+魔法草藥和愛♥! 大約燃燒時間: 40-50小時 尺寸:...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle: Blessing Magic B Manifestation Crystal Candle: Blessing Magic B
Quickshop 蠟燭訊息 - Trust the timing of your journey準備好顯化你們心中的願望嗎?我們的水晶許願蠟燭使用天然晶石及魔法草藥製作而成,加強吸引正能量以實現大家心中的願望。 我們所有的蠟燭材料都是用純天然大豆蠟+天然水晶&晶石+魔法草藥和愛♥! 大約燃燒時間: 40-50小時 尺寸:...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Confidence Affirmation Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Confidence Affirmation
Quickshop Candle message - I am perfect just the way I amReady to...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Love Affirmation Manifestation Crystal Candle: Self-Love Affirmation
Quickshop 肯定語系列 - 蠟燭訊息 - I am deeply, deeply loved準備好顯化你們心中的願望嗎?我們的水晶許願蠟燭使用天然晶石及魔法草藥製作而成,加強吸引正能量以實現大家心中的願望。 我們所有的蠟燭材料都是用純天然大豆蠟+天然水晶&晶石+魔法草藥和愛♥! 大約燃燒時間: 40-50小時...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle - Special Limited: Pomegranate wine Manifestation Crystal Candle - Special Limited: Pomegranate wine
Quickshop Candle message - Everything you can imagine is realReady to manifest the...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Sandalwood & Musk Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Sandalwood & Musk
Quickshop Candle message - Lead the life you loveReady to manifest the life...
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Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Cypress & Bayberry Manifestation Crystal Candle - Winter Limited: Cypress & Bayberry
Quickshop Candle message - Love the life you live.Ready to manifest the life...
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Incense & Smudge

Smudging is a traditional practice that involves burning sacred herbs, such as White Sage or Palo Santo, and using the smoke to purify a person, object, or space. This ancient ritual is believed to rid the area of negative energy and promote positive energy, making it a popular practice before or during spiritual practices, ceremonies, or when clearing a space.

We strive to minimize packaging waste through our Project Re-Cycle candle refill program. This lets you refill your existing candles again and again, reducing the need for new ones. As a brand, we are conscious of our impact and do our part by choosing eco-friendly materials, sustainable sourcing and reducing waste wherever possible.

Blog posts

Discover the natural ways to feed your spirit.
2024 New Moon Manifestation Calendar

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Manifesting with Moon Magic: Manifestation is about turning your dreams into reality. When you combine this with moon magic during...

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2023 New Moon Manifestation Calendar

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Time to plant the seeds of intention & let them grow into manifestation under the light of the new moon.

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